Texas Hold Em Poker Card Set

Texas Hold Em Poker
Texas Hold Em Poker Card Set

You've got an Ace and King of diamonds in the hole. The flop shows a Jack of diamonds, a two of clubs and a two of spades. Bet is twenty-five dollars. What are you gonna do, cowboy? Texas Hold 'Em is an addictive poker game that is rapidly gaining popularity through the success of events like the World Poker Tour on television. Our Texas Hold 'Em Card Set includes 54 Texas sized (2-5/8" x 3-3/4") cards with three bullet holes shot clean through the deck along with a faux leather carrying case that loops onto your belt like a holster. Comes in our illustrated storage box with complete instructions on how to play the game inside. Also great for any other card game that requires a basic deck of playing cards. 

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$14.95 each set

Visa/Mastercard Accepted



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